Wednesday night was FREEZING! I just kep piling on layers until I came up with this outfit. I am wearing a belted orange cardigan, gray cardigan, gold scarf, and furry boots. I LOVE how it turned out. Wintery and warm, but cute and colorful!

This is what I wore on Thanksgiving. The sweater is from Coldwater Creek. I would have worn brown boots but I never left the house because we hosted it.

I loved Wednesday outfit so much I decided to wear something like it for Black Friday shopping. A belted shirt isn't the best idea for trying on clothes...

It snowed on Sunday so once again I wore boots to church. I just love these pieces.

Gold necklace from Charlotte-Russe.

I don't remember where I got this skirt but just look at all the great detial- the chenille flowers, the stiching, the lace. So pretty!

This is a shirt that was altered from a dress, as shown
I am so excited that it is Christmas time! Happy December 1!