I inherited this wire shelf from a friend who was moving and couldn't take it with her. It fits perfectly in every closet I have ever had. It adds an extra shelf to my closet to stack my pants on. I have one pile each for jeans, work pants, denim shorts and capris, and other shorts and capris, and old pants.
I have found this to be the best system for my shoes. I have tons of shoes and cannot seem to just put them back where they go when they are all laid out on the ground. I just end up chucking them in the closet. This way I can still chuck them in the closet. but they are organized by type of shoe so I only have to look through one cube instead of all the shoes.
Sandals Wedges
Random shoes I can't seem Boots
to get rid of
All of the shirts hang over this shelf. This is my shirts all piled up on my bed. I pulled them all out to straighten them on the hangers, see what had fallen off the hanger,s and fix the color order so it was perfect.
All of the shirts hang over this shelf. This is my shirts all piled up on my bed. I pulled them all out to straighten them on the hangers, see what had fallen off the hanger,s and fix the color order so it was perfect.
Yes, I hang my shirts in color order: maroon, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, navy, purple, pink, melon/salmon, brown, cream, white, gray, black with various shades in between. This makes it SO much easier to find what I am looking for.
Color order also helps a lot with mixing and matching outfits. When I buy a new cardigan, it's easy to look in the color sections to find all tops that can go under it. If you haven't tried color order and are looking for a way to organize your closet- THIS IS IT!
Skirts hang in the bottom section. I have fewer than I do shirts that I don't do color order.
Jackets- also in no order (coats go in the coat closet by the front door).
Dresses and belts. Only skinny belts fit on this organizer so...
... I recently asked my husband to hang more hooks in the closet. They are perfect for wide belts and long necklaces that don't fit in my jewelry organizer.
Scarves go on the back of the door with Spencer's hats.
Purses up on a high shelf.

Plus, all of Spencer's clothes are in there too.

Cleaning out the closet every once in awhile can remind you of peices you may have forgotten about or inspire you to create new outfit combinations.
Plus, all of Spencer's clothes are in there too.
Cleaning out the closet every once in awhile can remind you of peices you may have forgotten about or inspire you to create new outfit combinations.
For example, I had totally forgot about this blue Old Navy t-shirt. I think it would be a great layering peice for this gray jacket. I might wear it tomorrow, in fact.