Old Navy shirt, St. John's Bay (JC Penny) skirt (old!!), Wet Seal jacket, Kohls necklace, Walmart tights, Forever Young boots, Payless bracelet
GETTING CREATIVE: What would really be creative would be if I would ever wear this skirt with color (but remember what a disaster that was?) so I keep sticking to black and gray. But it works and I like it.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 8
GETTING CREATIVE: I have really missed wearing this dress since summer has been over for soooo long now. But when I saw this outfit, followed by this outfit, I was inspired to make it work for winter.

Walmart blazer, Kohls shirt and pants, Target heels, Shade belt, Payless bracelets
WHERE: Work and parent teacher conferences
GETTING CREATIVE: This photo was taken at 10 pm so it's not showing me at my best. Black on black can be hard to pull off but I really think I did a nice job. The pop of green was just what this outfit needed. I have had all of these pieces for a long time so it was fun to come up with this ensemble.
Target shirt, Kohls jacket, Gap skinnies, Payless boots, Forever 21 necklace
GETTING CREATIVE: I got this purple shirt for Christmas. I have worn it about 5 times now and this is the first time I got a photo. I had already worn the exact shirt, pants, and boots combo so I added the jacket to mix it up. My grandma loved this outfit and she has great taste so I consider it a winner. Plus I feel like this is just exactly my style.
Walmart t-shirt, Old Navy jacket, Kohls skirt, Walmart tights, Madden Girl boots, Cold Water Creek necklace
WHERE: Church
GETTING CREATIVE: I have worn a similar outfit a billion times. There are so many ways to wear this skirt. While not my best outfit ever, not too shabby.
I really felt great about what I wore this week. I think I just might be figuring out what my style is (ironically enough I am returning to things I wore years ago before I discovered this crazy style blogging world) and I love it!