The poor sad Charlie Brown tree was made by drawing it with melted chocolate onto wax paper and putting it in the freezer (mom's idea), then Spencer added the Fruit by the Foot leaves and fondant ornament.
My best contribution was the 1st prize ribbon from a peppermint and Fruit Striped Gum.
My brother and sister-in-law got creative with the green frosting and made a Hawaiian hut. Can you say creative? They melted candy for the water and used cereal and brown sugar to replicate the elements of an island.And check out that tree! It's made from fondant, then frosted and decorated to resemble a palm.
Remember last year when we made a Grinch Who Stole Christmas house? If you have made a gingerbread house leave a link in the comments below so I can come check out your creativity.
P.S. Thanks Mom.