My husband tells me that I spend WAY too much time picking out clothes- and he is right. Many of these outfits are my attempt to just grab and go without spending a ton of time worrying about the small details. Like I have said before, I do it to be creative and artistic, but it can be a big time waster.
On to the clothes...
My first attempt at grab-n-go. I have never worn this purple shirt over something, just under jackets and sweaters. It's a cute look for fall, I think.
I wanted to wear this new sweater to church and had to find an outfit. Funny that everytime I wear this belt I wear this pair of shoes too.
(Personal plug: you can buy one of these belts here in my Etsy shop.)
Aren't they great? $4 at the thrift store!
It wasn't cold enough to be wearing this many layers but oh well. I loved combining the two shades of blue. The necklace (made by me) adds a bit of interest at the neck.
This was the same day as above, but after work I ditched the dress pants, patent leather peep toes, and blue sweater for jeans, suede peep toes and a white undershirt.
The day I posted this Anthro inspired rose shirt was the same day that I wore it. This is one of the pics from my photoshoot.
It was time for the yellow and gray sweater to be seen again. I don't like to wear the same outfit twice (at least to the same place or with the same people) so I had to mix it up a little for work. I don't think I like the black skirt, tights, and shoes with a sweater that has no black in it. I was going for that grab-n-go thing again, though.
Is it okay to wear these tights with open toed shoes? What do you think?
Sorry, this pic was taken at night so it's terrible
I was going to to dinner with a long-lost friend and thought it was yet another occassion to wear my sweater. This time I paired it with yellow- which I love!
This outfit was inspired by a girl I work with. She wore something similar (gray jacket, tan pants, red shoes) and I thought it was so cute that I copied her. I wore my outfit just a few days later. I changed it up just a bit by adding the red belt. ($1.50 at the thrift store!)