Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What I Wore: matchy-matchy

When I have time I like to go through the links over at the Pleated Poppy to see what inspiration I can gain from what others are wearing. I hope you can find some inspiration here!

I love this dress! I have never worn it with white before so I tried that out and liked it. You can't see them well, but I made these shoe clips. The tutorial will be coming soon so check back!

It's great when you can pull something old out of your closet (purple blazer) and remix it for a whole new look! If you have never done it, try it!

I made this belt for my brother's wedding and hadn't worn it since. It's so pretty and needed to come out into the world again!

There would be many a fashion blogger who would shake their head at my matchy-matchy shoes and sweater but it's what worked for me! It's still okay to match!

I have worn a very similar outfit before. Here is the tutorial for this Anthro Knock-Off necklace if you are new here.

Friday is school t-shirt day. I don't usually wear mine but thought I would join in this week. I paired it with the jersey necklace that I just made. Oh no! More matching shoes! Gasp!

Last but not least... I love this outfit! I have had this skirt for years and years and haven't worn it with anything but a brown top. I mixed it up with white and brown and gold accessories (that all match!)

I totally know it's the style to mismatch right now. I actually like it a lot. There's a lot more freedom in dressing. I am just joking above, but it does seem that it can be taken to the extreme. Matching is nice and conservative and there are occasions where it is appropriate to dress in that nice and conservative way (business, church, etc).
