Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Autumn Splendor

First off, thanks for the warm response to my Anthro Inspired Rose Shirt! I am flattered by the number of comments both here and on Facebook. A big thanks to Michelle at Someday Crafts for featuring my shirt!

Each day as I drive to and from work I see the same beautiful trees. Their leaves have changed to a vibrant yellow and I continue to admire them, as I am passionate about fall. I finally decided that it was time to get out and experience these trees, rather than only see them through the car window. It's a good thing I did. So many of them already lost their leaves since yesterday.
I think we all need to just stop and do this sometimes. So there I was frolicking through the leaves, camera in hand, in my work clothes, alone, as people drove by. It was so refreshing and beautiful.
Here are a few of my pictures. They may not be fabulous but I had a fabulous time taking them.