Saturday, August 18, 2012

The End

Thank you so much for being a part of my experience here at Yellow Blackbird. The time has long since come to end the site. I knew that the time had come back in June, but I had already committed to the Mod Podge campaign, then came the Shabby Apple and JUNIEblake giveaways so I kept the blog limping along to give you readers a chance to win those prizes. I haven't posted more than just a few times the last few months; I have been procrastinating writing this because I may or may not have something new up my sleeve and wanted to let you all know before I said farewell, you unsubscribed, and we never saw each other again. But I just don't know when/if something new will happen and wanted to have a solid end. I really dislike when a blog I read just simply stops posting with no explanation. I will come back here and post again if do indeed have news.

I began this blog to explore my creativity and to learn about myself. I feel successful in that mission. I am confident enough now to say that yes, I am a creative person. I also learned a lot about how I dress myself. Just recently I had reason to back through my old outfit posts. Oh how embarrassing!! But it was a good exercise for me.

Yellow Blackbird never exploded onto the big blog scene. I didn't try hard enough, and I am tired of the competition. It's hard to link up to 700 parties each week, not to mention all the time that goes into blogging. Yellow Blackbird just isn't fun for me anymore.  I no longer feel the need to show of my projects and receive some validation (not to mention that even with 500+ readers and thousands of views each month I rarely got more than 3 comments on a post. Maybe that's just me being petty and vain, but I hated not knowing if anyone was actually reading and actually liked what I was making).

My Etsy shop is still up and running. Come see me there any time. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

And the Winners are....

The winners of the JUNIEblake giveaway are

 #6 Melissa Palmer

and #16 Kai Bowen.

Congratulations! I will send on your info to the JUNIEblake people. Thanks to all who entered!