Saturday, May 12, 2012

What I Wore

                   Old blazer, JCP skirt, Express shirt, Payless shoes and bracelets, Kohl's watch

WHEN: Wednesday, May 9


GETTING CREATIVE: I have had this polka dot blazer for years and years, but hadn't worn it since I turned all my hangers backwards in January.  I tried on a polka dot blazer on a shopping trip last weekend and was reminded that I already have one (although they did look entirely different). I love black and white and yellow so thought the blazer would be perfect with this skirt.

It's kind of ironic, but the more confident I become in my outfits and style, the less I feel the need to take photos. You would think that I would want to take more pictures to show off better clothes, but I just don't feel the need.

PLUS I realize that repeat outfits are okay and it's easier just to look through the blog archives and find the old photo instead of taking a new one: