Saturday, May 19, 2012

What I Wore... and some changes

Forever 21 shirt, skirt made by me, belt traded with Paige from Pink Lemonade, Old Navy shoes, Forever 21 bangle, Chevron bangle made by me (tutorial here)

WHEN: Thursday, May 17

WHERE: Work and errands

GETTING CREATIVE: I made another skirt!!! Remember the first one? I used the same tutorial. I saw this fabric at Walmart and just had to have it. I love the nautical feel of this outfit. Recently, Kendi at Kendi Everyday said she was wearing an outfit that didn't make sense outside of the blogging world. I think this outfit of mine may fall under the same category. Does it make sense to anyone else in the world? The cashiers at both Hobby Lobby and Old Navy both complimented me on my outfit and I have no proof that they are bloggers so I am going to say yes.

I need haircut! Only 4 days until my appointment!

So... on a different note.... I have tried blogging a little bit on a schedule and it really isn't working for me. I have missed Favorite Pin Friday 2 weeks in a row now and seem to blog out of obligation rather than enjoyment (which is especially funny since I currently have no sponsors). From this point on I am only going to blog when I feel like I have something good to share. Only like 15 people ever looked at the Pinterest feature and virtually no one ever commented on it. I guess it wasn't that exciting of a post, especially if you already follow me on Pinterest.

As for What I Wore on Saturday... I think that won't necessarily be a regular feature anymore. I still want to blog some of my outfit photos, but since I am taking less photos now anyway, I will just show you when (I think) I have a good one. This will also allow me to do more writing, should I choose to. I am pretty darn sure most of you are here for the tutorials and craft projects anyway and since I only have 4 1/2 days of school left I should be able to get the projects I have been working on posted.


Linking up with Pleated Poppy and Momma Go Round.