Saturday, November 26, 2011

30 for 30 Remix Week 2

It's week 2 of my 30 for 30 remix. To see week 1 click here, and to see all the clothes I picked click here.
These first two outfits I actually wore week 1 but never got pictures so I recreated them. The photos turned out terrible. I look like I have a huge head so I had to crop it out below. Anywho... layering a cardi over a sweater made for a cozy outfit.


I like the polka dots together. I think they are far enough apart that they don't clash. I have only ever worn this skirt with brown so adding black was kind of fun. However, keeping the sweater tucked in and smooth all day was awful. I think that only works with flowy skirts.


More dots on dots! I layered this shirt over the dress, which I have never done before. I am wearing the raspberry Blooming Sash Belt (get it for 15% off with code YellowFriday BTW). I am ok with how this turned out.


Not very exciting, but at least I was shopping my closet and wore something new, right?


Okay, I might look a little Ronald McDonald but this was so fun to wear! I wore it to school on a "free dress" day and sooo many people (including the kids) complimented me on my boots! I hope they weren't making fun of me. : ) I am loving red and yellow together!


Since this outfit was sort of voluminous on top maybe I should have worn boots on the bottom to better balance it out. I do like the belted blazer, you?


This is what I wore to Thanksgiving dinner. I felt like dressing up a little bit, and to be honest I wore this because it allows for a lot of eating! No pants to become too tight and no one can see the food baby, ha ha! (I really hate the term "food baby." Yuck!). I think the cardi would have looked good belted but that would defeat the purpose so I piled on the leaf necklaces instead. I am sporting my Jo Tote camera bag!


A lot of occasions are calling for this sweater so I added the black scarf to try to change it a little from how I wore it before.


I have worn this outfit before, but took away the belt and added the scarf and yellow shoes to change it up. It really is all about accessories.

Well, I am about half way through the 30 for 30, but remember at the beginning I said I would probably just do 3 weeks instead of the full 30? This is going to be my last week. By then I will be up to about 23 outfits. Holiday parties will be in full swing and I will want to be wearing certain things (aka sparkles and red pants!!!) that aren't included in this remix.

Since I know you all care SO much about my red pants (NOT!) here's an update: I decided that they don't fit very well at all. They are too big and I spent so much time looking for long ones, but in the skinny style I don't need longs. I got back online (New York and Co) and saw that the pants are $10 cheaper than they were when I bought them the first time so I ordered them again in a different size and will just return the first pair to the store. More waiting!

Reminder: You have until Monday night to get 15% off at my Etsy shop with code YELLOWFRIDAY. I thought the code name was so clever, ha ha!