Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Boot Storage

If you are like me, your boots get stuffed in the closet all jumbled and misshapen like this. You can see an example in this post. Poor sad boot. Then one day I was reading Already Pretty and the author suggested using bottles or magazines to stand your boots upright! Genius!

Just grab a magazine, roll it up, stuff it down the boot and....

voila! It stands up straight!

I had to do this with all of my boots of course.

I loved how it looked so much to husband's chagrin, I commandeered this shelf in the closet. Where there used to be a pile of old dirty work shirts, there is now a lot of boot eye candy! I am happy to have a bit more organization in my closet! Makes it much easier to shop my closet : )

And I am happy to finally have some weather where I can wear my boots! Too bad we skipped straight from summer to winter!