Thursday, August 4, 2011

Video: Adding Sleeves to a Sleeveless Look

This video has tips on things you can do to make sleeveless outfits modest without compromising the fashion. Check it out:

Last time I tried to post one of these videos it didn't work. Click here to see the video if it's not above.

I giggled when she talked about the cap tees with the surged edge being a "Utah thing." I wear one of those tees almost every day. Although, I really don't wear just it as an undershirt because the sleeves are still too short for my liking.

I do the cardigan thing almost too much.

I really liked the idea of wearing a 3/4 length sleeved shirt to make it look like you've done it on purpose and it's part of the look. I may have to add a white and black one to my fall shopping list.

I have a few blazers and already have a goal to wear them more this fall.

I am not a fan of the scarf look. I would be too worried that it would slip off- although it does look better than a t-shirt for a formal look.

I really disagree when people say that it's too hard to find modest clothes, especially with the huge cardigan and maxi trends right now. It's not hard at all to be modest and fashionable at the same time! One of the teenagers at church wore a cardi/maxi combo to church for the first time a few weeks ago and looked beautiful! I think it's much more attractive and pretty when these girls are dressing really modestly like that rather than a short skirt and/or low cut shirt!

Any thoughts on other ways to make clothing more modest? I like the slip extenders for dresses too, although I imagine it would be tough to get one just the right length and have it work for multiple dresses. Ashley rocked one a while ago if you want to take a look at one of these.

For more reading on this topic (especially summer modesty)- there was a feature over at Clothed Much a couple of weeks ago you should check out.