Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shop Your Closet: Change of Plans?

Well, Shop Your Closet has been going for about 6 weeks now and I have only had 2 people link up. I didn't expect it to be wildly popular, but there were a few of you who said you liked the idea so I thought a few more would join in. What if it were more like a style challenge? Meaning that every Saturday I would post an idea for an outfit (like a theme, color scheme, or type of clothing) and you had to build an outfit by shopping your closet sometime during the week and link up by the next Saturday? Any takers for that idea? I would like to do thumbnail links instead of just text ones, but I don't want to pay for that until I know people will join in.

Or, are most of you here for my craft projects and don't care about the style posts?

Please let me know! Thanks!