Saturday, July 30, 2011

Shop Your Closet: Kendi Strikes Again

Shop Your Closet is a feature where I find some inspiration and then go shopping in my closet to recreate it. This way I am exercising my creativity without spending any money.

This week's outfit comes from the amazing Kendi... again. I died when I saw this outfit. I loved the colors, the nautical feel, and especially the belt. Oh how I loved the belt.

This might technically be cheating on Shop Your Closet, but I searched and searched until I could find a similar belt. Then I could put together a similar outfit.

I love it! I like my way and my skirt better even then Kendi's! Eek!

Here's a close up so you can see my accessories a little better.

Shirt: Shade, Skirt: Down East, Shoes: Target, Belt: Forever 21, Gold Bangle: Forever 21, Chevron Bangle: Made by me.

What inspires you when getting dressed in the morning? Is it another blogger? A model? A room in your house? A magazine cover? Link it up below so we can all get inspired! Thanks to Madison Avenue for participating in the party a couple of times now!

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