Friday, May 27, 2011

The End of the Year

The end of the school year has been really hard for me this year. I have had the privilege and blessing of working with some really amazing kids this year both in my student council, and the other kids in the school. Many of the kids that I really love are leaving to go onto high school next year and I have been with them for three years. It's really hard to let them go.

We had our first ever 9th grade dinner dance a few weeks ago. It was amazing. The kids put on a fabulous party. It was so cool to see that every single student was participating. No one was on the sidelines or crying in the bathroom. They all dressed modestly without having to be reminded. They didn't dance too close to each other. There were no discipline issues. I broke down and had to go out in the hall and just bawl my eyes out. Then, when some of the 8th graders who were there to be workers got emotional about their 9th grade friends leaving, I cried again. At the very end, the student body president told everyone thanks for coming and recognized all of the hard work that I had put into the dance. It was really touching and I bawled again.

On Wednesday night we had the 9th grade graduation. I did really well until the end when all the teachers came up on stage to shake hands with the kids as they received their certificates. I lost it when A. gave me a big hug, because I hadn't taught her since 8th grade and didn't know she still cared that much for me. Then when M. came through I was not okay. She is this really amazing girl in the student body presidency. I want to be like her when I grow up.

Today was the last day of school. I think my tears were all dried up because I didn't cry at school- and neither did too many other people. It was sad, but I have come to terms with the fact that I have to let them go- even S. who skipped 8th grade and robbed me of a year of teaching her.

But when I got home and read what the kids wrote in my yearbook I was brought to tears again. Students that I didn't even know liked me that much wrote that I was their favorite teacher or "I (heart) U" and all sorts of nice things. Here are a few of my favorites:

"This year has been so amazing. I am excited for next year. You really are like family."

"Mrs. Larsen my all time favorite! Thanx for being the best of the best!!! Your my fav. Thanx again!!! I love you!" (I didn't really know that this girl liked me that much. I am so humbled that I get to work with her in student council next year.)

"Your so cool. I've never met a teacher who loved her students so much. You've changed the way we learn. You did everything right. I promise I will see you everyday next year. I love ya tons." (This is the one that made me cry first. This girl will be at the school next year, but not in my class.)

"Thank you for being a great teacher and putting up with me for 3 years! Your classes are inspiring. Thanks again." (This was touching because we had had some conflict this year.)

"Mrs L- Always remember that boy who changed your life for the better!!" (And he really did.)

Those are just a few of my favorites. Aren't they sweet? Although we really need to work on the difference between "your" and "you're"...

Well, I am going to pick myself up out of this sadness, take a relaxing bath, and head out on a fun night with my friend who is a teacher at the same school!

I'll leave you with these two messages from my yearbook:

"...Your such a great teacher, and lets not forget how pretty you are..."


"Mrs. Larsen I want your wardrobe so bad!"