Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What I WANT to wear

I didn't any pictures taken of clothes this week. I wore a couple of repeated outfits to different occasions than before and I wore some lame things. So this week instead I am doing "What I WANT to wear" instead.

I know this is funny in light of the shopping rules post I just wrote. But I did not actually buy anything- this is just stuff I am loving right now.

This is the "Meet Me in the Lobby" wedge from ModCloth. I HEART this shoe!! But they don't even have it in my size anymore so I don't have to worry about it. If you find something similar LET ME KNOW! This is what I am saving my allowance money for!!

I thinks this Old Navy cardigan is just cute and sweet for spring.

This dress from Anthropologie will never be a part of my wardrobe unless the clothes fairy visits but that doesn't mean I can't like it. Just the other day they had this dress as a part of a gorgeous outfit in which the dress looked even better. (It's better with the neck open and a cardi over it). But that campaign must be over because I can't find it anymore. YAY for long modest dresses being in style!

I would really like some skinny style pants in another color besides black to wear to work with boots. This pair from F21 is a good example.

I am loving tights right now and think this pair from Target is super cute. Do you like patterned tights?

What do you have your eye on right now?

I have finished my Valentine's book page garland. It should be up somewhat soon-ish. And I am almost at 200 followers! You guys are awesome!!!