Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Paper Rose Project

I have posted several times about these gorgeous paper roses. As always I am going to send you back to Wendy's tutorial to give credit where credit is due. (I don't draw the pattern, I just freehand cut it.)

This year in school I am teaching a short crafts homeroom class a couple times per week. I taught my students how to make the flowers and they loved them! It was so fun to see their creativity.

One girl made this adorable flower and put it on a headband. I just had to take pictures to show you!

The flower is made from junk mail. What a great way to recycle!
I think it is a Carl's Jr. ad.
The colors are so fun!

Obviously, this headband is going to be ruined in the first rainstorm it encounters, but the idea of pretty junk mail flowers can be applied to so many things.

Here are my other paper rose projects: